Sedona approves LGBT protections bill

Tue. September 15, 2015

Sedona, AZ - The Sedona City Council last week unanimously approved an ordinance that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the areas of employment, public accommodations and housing.

The ordinance was approved at a standing room only meeting which took place on Tuesday, September 8.

"A human rights ordinance is a practical and balanced strategy employed at the city or county level to promote diversity and economic growth and to prohibit discrimination based on certain characteristics," a report issued by the Arizona city states. "These policies most often ban discrimination in housing, public accommodations and employment based on race, age, religion, sex, disability, ethnicity, national origin and marital/family status. Most employ mediation to de-escalate tensions and resolve complaints, with fines for those who are not willing to engage in conflict resolution."

Opponents who spoke at the meeting mostly argued that the ordinance would infringe on the religious beliefs and rights of individuals, especially in relation to the issue of marriage equality, the Sedona Red Rock News reported.

Supporters said that the ordinance protects all residents.

Four additional cities – Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson – have approved similar legislation.

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