Thu. September 10, 2015
Backers of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis are calling for the firing of deputy clerks who issued marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
The licenses were issued while Davis was being held in jail for refusing to comply with a federal judge's ruling ordering her to issue marriage licenses to all qualified couples.
Davis, an Apostolic Christian, has cited her religious beliefs in objecting to issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.
Ante Pavkovic, who helped organize rallies in support of Davis outside the detention center where she was jailed, warned deputy clerks not to issue the licenses.
"Do not join them in this further, and if you can't do that, then you should just quit," Pavkovic, 49, of North Carolina, said as he stood outside the clerk's office waving a sign that read, "Fire the cowardly clerks that are lawbreakers."
Davis could return to work as early as Friday.
At least one deputy clerk, Brian Mason, has publicly stated that he would defy Davis if she asked him not to issue such licenses.
(Related: Deputy clerk from Kim Davis' office says he'll issue marriage licenses to gay couples.)
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