Chicago is the 3rd largest Twitter community

Fri. March 13, 2009

Chicago, IL - Chicago is the third largest Twitter user community in the world, after London and Los Angeles, according to, a Web site that analyzes the use of social-networking tools.

Twitter is a relatively new social networking/micro-blog service that allows users to post updates to their friends.

The 140 character messages are called "tweets." has joined the Twitter community and you can start following our tweets for LGBT news and information throughout the day at

If you don't have your own Twitter account, sign up today at to find what your friends and family are doing. In addition, you will be able to see our tweets on our news page and you can subscribe to our twitter feed.

Twitter attracted 2.7 million U.S. visitors in December 2008, a nearly eight-fold rise from the end of 2007, according to Nielsen Online.

As of March 3, 2009, the top 25 Twitter communities were:

1. London, England

2. Los Angeles, Calif.

3. Chicago, Ill.

4. New York, N.Y.

5. San Francisco, Calif.

6. Toronto, Canada

7. Seattle, Wash.

8. Atlanta, Ga.

9. Boston, Mass.

10. Austin, Texas

11. Washington, D.C.

12. Portland, Ore.

13. San Diego, Calif.

14. Vancouver, Canada

15. Houston, Texas

16. Sydney, Australia

17. Dallas, Texas

18. Tokyo, Japan

19. Brooklyn, N.Y. (registered as a separate location from New York, N.Y.)

20. Minneapolis, Minn.

21. Paris, France

22. Philadelphia, Pa.

23. Melbourne, Australia

24. Denver, Colo.

25. Orlando, Fla.

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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