Sun. March 8, 2009
Chicago, IL -
Facing a major recession-induced financial crisis, Chicago's About Face Theatre launched a national "Face the Future" campaign on Feb. 25 to save the organization and ensure the theatre's future.
On Friday, nine days after announcing the campaign, the About Face Board of Directors announced they have raised $100,000 of the $300,000 goal needed by the end of March.
The Board says About Face has been hit hard by the recent economic downturn and the survival of the organization rests on the success of the emergency campaign. The funds will allow About Face to ride out the recession, move forward with the company's production schedule, and maintain the Youth Theatre Program.
Nationally recognized for the development of award-winning new plays, About Face Theatre is an integral part of Chicago's LGBT community and specializes in work with gay and lesbian themes. AFT's critically-acclaimed Youth Theatre Program is a unique and powerful creative outlet for LGBT teens.
As the campaign continues, About Face is asking for immediate financial contributions in order to keep its doors open, staff paid, and the youth theatre program intact.
This is the first Equity-affiliated theater in Chicago to confront such a crisis in public.
About Face Theatre is accepting donations online or by calling 773-784-8565.
For those who would like to help but are also facing financial limitations, About Face Theatre is seeking volunteer assistance. Visit for more information.
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