Nick Jonas replaces Iggy Azalea at Pittsburgh gay pride concert

Fri. June 12, 2015

Pittsburgh, PA - Nick Jonas has stepped in to fill the void left when Iggy Azalea abruptly canceled her headline performance at Pittsburgh Pride in the Street.

Saturday's event takes place on Liberty Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh.

"When I heard about the difficult position Pittsburgh Pride was in just days before their event, I knew I had to find a way to help," Jonas said. "I'm excited to do what I can to support the LGBT community in Pittsburgh, and I look forward to seeing you this Saturday as we celebrate together."

(Related: Azalea has been criticized for tweets sent before her rapid rise to fame with the 2011 release of her music video for Pu$$y, some of which appear to be homophobic.

Vanessa Davis of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Azalea's inclusion was behind her group's decision not to march in the city's annual parade.

"This has been a difficult decision as I truly support the event and LGBTQIA communities, however I feel my participation at this point would only serve to further distract from the true purpose of the event," she said.

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