Rachel Maddow loves ironic twist in Franklin Graham's boycott of gay-friendly bank

Fri. June 12, 2015

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow told viewers that she loves the ironic twist in Franklin Graham's boycott of a gay-friendly bank.

Last week, Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham and head of the Billy Graham Evangelist Association, vowed in a Facebook post to shun gay-friendly businesses, calling on his followers to "fight the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats by big business, the media and the gay and lesbian community."

Graham said that he was particularly offended by a Wells Fargo ad that shows a lesbian couple adopting a deaf child and later revealed that he had moved his accounts to "a good bank."

That bank, BB&T Bank, ranks high (80%) on the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a measure of a company's support for LGBT rights. BBT&T is also the sponsor of this year's Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade and the chief sponsor of the parade's Legacy Couples program, which celebrates same-sex couples in "committed relationships of 10 years or longer."

"Franklin Graham threw a Facebook hissy fit and moved his accounts because of a commercial that showed two women adopting a deaf little girl," Maddow told viewers. "But it turns out his new bank is so much gayer than his old bank."

"The universe has a way of making these things work out, big guy."

"I love this story so much I want to take it to Franklin Graham's new bank and marry it. If it's a lady," added Maddow, who is openly gay.

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