Angelina Jolie Comes Out

Thu. July 10, 2003

Los Angeles - Long the subject of rumors she is a lesbian, or bisexual, actress Angelina Jolie sets the record straight in an interview with Barbara Walters set to air Friday night.

Twice-wed Jolie, 31, says she has had a relationship with another woman, telling Walters she was “surprised when I suddenly found myself having these feelings I always had for men, but for a woman, and wanting to kiss her and wanting to touch her ...”

Jolie would not name the woman, saying the affair happened before she shot to film fame as all-action Tomb Raider heroine Lara. In transcripts of the interview released late Wednesday by ABC, Joli does not say how long the relationship lasted.

She refuses to identify herself as either lesbian or bisexual.

“I consider myself a very sexual person.

"If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, it’s right to want to kiss her and touch her.”

In the 20/20 interview she discusses her much publicized marriage and subsequent divorce from actor Billy Bob Thornton saying she doubts she will ever marry again.

Shortly before the two year marriage collapsed last year she had adopted a Cambodian-born baby boy.

by Mary Ellen Peterson Newscenter

Los Angeles Bureau

©® 2003

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