Chicago Force: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Thu. March 13, 2003

Chicago, IL - The Chicago Force, our town’s first and only professional women’s tackle football team is about to make its debut. After months of learning drills, pummeling tackling dummies, and finally strapping on the pads and administering bone-crunching hits to one another, this sixty-women roster is ready to take down the Detroit Blaze at De La Salle Field on March 29th.

It’s been a long, but rewarding road. For many of these women, playing tackle football is a dream comes true. Relegated to the sidelines in childhood, they brought their passion for the game to the rugby field in college, and to the flag football field in adulthood. Now, thanks to the efforts of team owner Lisa Cole, that passion has found a home.

These women are more than just athletes. All have full-time careers, some as mothers of young children. All of the athletes, coaches, and staff are volunteers. Each has given their time, and their money, to bring women’s pro football to Chicago. The players have given hundreds of dollars from their own pockets to buy their equipment, and each is working to lobby corporate sponsors. The team is also raising money through fundraisers and donations. Temptations Nightclub has signed on as a major team sponsor, and several other GLBT clubs in the area are pitching in, as well.

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