Ricky Martin cheers Puerto Rico's decision to stop defending its gay marriage ban

Sat. March 21, 2015

Out singer Ricky Martin has cheered Puerto Rico's decision to no longer defend its gay marriage ban in court.

Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla, a Democrat and practicing Catholic opposed to marriage equality, on Friday filed a brief in a case challenging the ban.

The 43-year-old Padilla said that he supports the decision because "political leaders should not impose their beliefs" on others.

The decision paves the way for Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, to legalize gay nuptials.

(Related: Puerto Rico drops its defense of gay marriage ban.)

The Puerto Rican singer cheered the decision on social media.

"My thanks to Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla for demonstrating that he is a leader who is not afraid of the challenges of the present," Martin wrote in Spanish. His support for the determination of the Boston Court on marriage equality does justice to equality. My appreciation to Senators and Representatives and my sisters and brothers who joined this struggle for equality and human rights."

"Today is a great day for my island, my heart beats fast in my chest. How proud I am to live in a country of equality. I love you Puerto Rico," he added.

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