GLAAD Hatter brunch April 4 will support the work of GLAAD

Thu. February 26, 2015

Chicago, IL - GLAAD Hatter is a celebration of national and local leaders advancing LGBT equality. Brunch and cocktails will be 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2015 at Pasteur, 5525 N. Broadway Ave., Chicago and is presented by Ketel One Vodka and MillerCoors.

Impressive or understated, bridal or funeral, edible, perishable, sporty, floral, or with live birds in a cage, whatever hat you wear, you'll fit right in. Prizes will be given away for "Best Hat" as well as "People's Choice" for favorite hat. Enter to win raffle prizes from great companies throughout the Chicago area.

Tickets: $150 for two, $85 for one

Purchase at

A significant portion of ticket income will support GLAAD. GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialog that leads to cultural change.

GLAAD Chicago Leadership Council Co-Chairs:

Chad Bermingham

Kinley Preston

2015 GLAAD Hatter Host Committee:

Ian and Julie Andrusyk

Kevin Boyer* and Bobby Hoeppner

Jorge del Busto*

Scott Fiero

Sue Fisher Yellen*

Dustin Goltz and Jason Zingsheim

Sara Hassan

Nick Eigen

Kyle Heath and Todd Rhoades

Byron Hoover*

Christina Kahrl** and Charley Sheri Wanamaker

Kevin Lewis* and Kepa Barcenas

Grant McCorkhill*

Mike Paonessa and Mark Steffen

Kristen Prinz*

Courtney Rowe

Doug Sanborn*

Atish Shah*

Tharius Sumter

Steven Ticzon*

Ricardo Torres*

Nick Urig*

David Viggiano

* GLAAD Chicago Leadership Council

**GLAAD Board of Directors

For the complete article (non-reader view with multimedia and original links), Tap here.

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