Fri. November 7, 2008
Los Angeles, CA -
Melissa Etheridge says if California won't allow gays to marry, she won't pay her state taxes.
The 44-year-old singer writes on her blog, The Daily Beast, that if she's not allowed the right to marry under the state constitution, she takes that to mean that she's not a "full citizen," so she doesn't have to pay taxes. Etheridge says she can find other ways to spend the half-a-million dollars she claims to give the state every year.
According to Etheridge, the passing of Proposition 8 in California could see her marriage to Tammy Lynn Michaels deemed null and void. Etheridge and actress Michaels wed in 2003 in Malibu, California after a Domestic Partnership agreement was passed in the state. The couple planned on legally getting marrying later this year.
"She and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen," writes Etheridge. " Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen."
On Tuesday, 51% of voters in California approved the controversial Proposition 8 which states that only marriages between a man and woman are legal.
"When did it become okay to legislate morality? I try to envision someone reading that legislation
‘eliminates the right' and then clicking yes. What goes through their mind," questioned Etheridge.
Nearly 18,000 gay couples tied the knot from June when the California Supreme Court struck down a law opposing gay marriage until November.
Etheridge plans to stay in California to continue the fight for equal rights.
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