Thu. January 22, 2015
Chicago, IL -
By a unanimous vote January 21, the Chicago City Council approved the expansion of an existing city ordinance prohibiting police profiling based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability, military discharge, marital, financial or parental status to include gender identity and national origin.
44th Ward Ald. Tom Tunney was co-sponsor of the ordinance. "It came to the attention of council members through [Attorney General] Eric Holder's work adding gender identity to the prohibition of racial profiling," Tunney told Windy City Times. "I've been involved with this for a long time knowing that the relationship between the community and the police has had its ups and downs. We have worked for years making sure that sensitivity to the transgender [community] was mandatory as part of [Chicago Police Department] initial training and reeducation. I think it's even more important, not just for the recruits, but for the existing workforce."
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