Bobby Jindal to host spiritual revival; prayer guide blames gays for Katrina

Sun. December 14, 2014

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is set to host a spiritual revival next month that he says will help put America "back on the right path."

The event, titled The Response: a call to prayer for a nation in crisis, is scheduled to take place on January 24 at the Pete Maravich Assembly Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

"This is the time for Christians to come together to call upon Jesus to guide us through unprecedented struggles, and thank Him for the blessings of freedom we so richly enjoy," the event's website states.

According to Right Wing Watch, Jindal's prayer rally is closely modeled after a similar 2011 stadium rally used to kick off the presidential campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry. In fact, organizers are reusing some of the materials from Perry's event.

Right Wing Watch reported on Jindal's prayer rally on Thursday. By Saturday, a listing for a prayer guide posted on its website had been removed. (While the guide can still be found on the site, here, it is no longer listed on the "resources" page.)

The guide claims that natural disasters such Hurricane Katrina and a tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri were the result of God's displeasure with the "alternative lifestyle" of homosexuality, marriage equality, legal abortion and internet pornography.

Organizers didn't even bother to update the guide, which laments legal gay marriage in six states and Washington, D.C. In fact, gay couples can currently marry in 35 states. Florida is likely to become the 36th state in January.

(Related: Florida AG Pam Bondi mum on whether she'll ask Supreme Court to stay gay marriage ruling.)

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