Thu. November 6, 2014
New York City -
A pastor known for his opposition to gay rights has claimed that Starbucks is flavoring their lattes with the semen of sodomites.
Pastor James David Manning of the Atlah Worldwide Church in Harlem, New York told viewers of The Manning Report that he believes the story first reported by, a fake news site.
"Oh, this is the absolute truth," Manning said. "And I believe that they were doing that."
"So my question is, where are they getting all this semen from?" Manning rhetorically asked. "My suspicion is that they're getting this semen from sodomites. And somebody has discovered that semen, like cord blood, has the opportunity and it has millions and millions of little zygotes in it and it flavors up the coffee. And it makes you think you're having a good time drinking that cup of latte with the semen in it."
"I'm not making this up!" Manning screamed.
The original story, fabricated at, a site described by its editors as "a combination of real shocking news and satire," did not report the semen to be from gay men, though it did include incredulous quotes that most readers would question, such as, "If they're using semen then they should keep using it because it's so God damn good, I might try semen alone to see if it's that good" and "If I wanted to consume semen I would just do gay pornography."
Last week, Manning warned his viewers that upscale sodomites spread Ebola at Starbucks.
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