Howard Brown Health Center celebrates exam room expansion

Wed. October 22, 2014

HBHC doubles clinic capacity by adding four new exam rooms

Chicago, IL - Howard Brown Health Center (HBHC) celebrated the completion of its exam room expansion with a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday morning.

HBHC increased the number of exam rooms at its main facility, 4025 N. Sheridan, from 9 to 13, which will allow the LGBT health center to conduct 8,000 more patient visits each year - nearly doubling the clinic's current capacity.

David Ernesto Munar, HBHC CEO and president, participated in the ceremony along with State Reps. Sara Feigenholtz and Greg Harris, Ald. Tom Tunney and Ald. James Cappleman.

"Howard Brown has a deep history of serving folks in the 12th District." said Feigenholtz. "These new exam rooms will allow Howard Brown to see more patients, cut wait times, and better serve the health needs of our LGBTQ community."

A $195,000 grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to HBHC made it possible for the center to complete the expansion.

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