3 face charges in beating of gay couple in Philadelphia

Wed. September 24, 2014

Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia officials said Tuesday that charges have been approved for three people accused of taking part in the beating of a gay male couple in the city's downtown Center City neighborhood.

The couple told police that they were rushed by a mob of 10 to 12 men and women after one asked them if they were together. As a result of the beating, one of the victims, 28, was hospitalized for more than three days and had to have his jaw wired shut.

District Attorney Seth Williams said that the three suspects were being charged with criminal conspiracy and two counts each of aggravated assault, simple assault and reckless endangerment.

"This vicious attack shocked the entire country," Williams said in a statement. "An assault on people because of their sexual orientation has no place in Philadelphia."

Police said the three suspects were Phillips Williams and Katherine Knott, both 24, and Kevin Harrigan, 26.

Knott's lawyer denied her participation in the assault and insisted it was not motivated by anti-gay bias.

The case is not being treated as a hate crime because Pennsylvania's hate crimes law does not include crimes motivated by a person's sexual orientation.

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