Transgendered Pregnant Man to Tell Story to Oprah

Wed. April 2, 2008

Transgendered pregnant man Thomas Beatie will appear on Oprah Winfrey's TV show tomorrow.

Chicago, IL - Thomas Beatie, a transgendered man from Bend, Oregon, who revealed he is pregnant in the latest issue of The Advocate is scheduled to appear on Oprah Winfrey's television show this Thursday.

The 34-year-old man, told The Advocate magazine late last month that he is carrying a daughter for he and his wife Nancy.

"Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire, but a human desire," Beatie said in The Advocate.

Beatie, who transitioned from female to male, decided not to remove his reproductive organs and stopped taking testosterone injections so he could become pregnant.

Billed as an "Oprah Show and People Magazine exclusive," promises the world's first television interview.

"I'm a person and I have the right to have my own biological child," Beatie said in excerpts from the Chicago-based Oprah Winfrey Show scheduled to broadcast tomorrow.

On the show Nancy explains how a hysterectomy left her unable to conceive.

"If Nancy could get pregnant, I wouldn't be doing this," Beatie said.

During the couple's search for assistance in their unusual circumstances, Beatie says he faced a lot of discrimination, including being laughed at and refusing to call Beatie by male pronouns.

The first doctor they spoke to told Beatie, who was formerly Tracy Lagondino, to shave his facial hair and forced the couple to see a psychologist to see if they were "fit to bring a child into this world." The doctor and his staff later refused to continue working with the couple, after several thousand dollars had already bent spent on treatment. A variety of other doctors followed, but the couple were unable to find someone they could work with comfortably.

The couple eventually purchased sperm anonymously and tried at-home insemination. Beatie was able to successfully become pregnant with triplets, but lost the pregnancy after it became life-threatening.

Beatie's second pregnancy, a girl, is healthy and expected to arrive at the beginning of July.

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