Tue. April 15, 2014
Chicago, IL -
A statue commemorating the late Mary York, the lesbian attorney and community activist who died of cancer in 2008, has been stolen from the Howard Brown Health Center (HBHC) Peace Garden.
York, who had been the president of the Board of Directors for the Lesbian Community Care Project, died the same year as Lisa Tonna. Both women had been beloved in the community, and the Peace Garden was designed to honor their legacy as well as provide a quiet, reflective place for patients and passersby.
That sense of peace has been wrecked yet again with this recent theft—the second since 2009, when it first went missing for a while. Barbara Tieder, HBHC's vice president of development and communications, told Windy City Times that the theft was noticed on the morning of April 7. This means it was probably stolen sometime between late Saturday evening (April 5) and Sunday (April 6), when the clinic is closed.
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