Federal Judge: Ohio must recognize same-sex marriages

Mon. April 14, 2014

Today U.S. District Judge Timothy Black struck down part of a constitutional amendment in Ohio that denies gay couples the freedom to marry and withholds legal respect for gay couples who have gotten married. He ordered the state to treat couples married elsewhere like any other couples who marry out of stateā€”as married.

Evan Wolfson, president of Freedom to Marry, released the following statement: "Couples who are married should be treated as married no matter where they are in the country, including Ohio. Couples should not have to play 'now you're married, now you're not' as they travel, work, move, or return home. This is a good day for families and businesses in Ohio, and a good day for the Constitution and America."

From a news release

Related: Court orders Ohio to recognize married same-sex couples 

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