Thu. March 13, 2008
Los Angeles, CA -
Male stripper David Hernandez got the boot from the seventh season of "American Idol" Wednesday night on Fox.
The 24-year-old Arizona native, seemed like an early favorite with flawless vocals and a mellow sound, but club owner and Hernandez's former boss Gordy Bryan informed the Associated Press that Hernandez had worked for several years at Dick's Cabaret as a male stripper - giving nude lap dances to the primarily gay clientele.
"Idol" producers seemed less concerned about Hernandez's past telling TV Guide magazine, "We've had strippers on the show before…We're never judgmental about people who do things like that. If it were some sort of heavy porn, then maybe we'd have to take action. But certainly not on this."
Judge Simon Cowell wasn't impressed with Hernandez' rendition of the Beatles' "I Saw Her Standing There" on Tuesday calling it "corny, verging on desperate."
Former "American Idol" finalist and Columnist Jim Verraros agreed with Cowell saying of Hernandez' performance "I'm left feeling a little under-whelmed. It wasn't his vocal as much as it was his performance."
Joining Hernandez in the bottom three were Kristy Lee Cook, a 24-year-old from Selma, Oregon, and Syesha Mercado, a 21-year-old from Sarasota, Florida. As the three contestants stood on stage, Cowell said "America got this absolutely spot on."
"Honestly, things happen for a reason," Hernandez said after host Ryan Seacrest revealed the results of the 29 million votes. "I think we all have a plan... This isn't it for me."
Hernandez appeared visibly surprised by America's decision leaving wannabe country singer Kristy Lee Cook, who gave a performance that show judge Simon Cowell called "horrendous."
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