Tue. March 4, 2008
Los Angeles, CA -
"American Idol" contestant David Hernandez once entertained audiences as a stripper according to the manager of Dick's Cabaret, a male strip club in Phoenix.
Club manager Gordy Bryan told the Associated Press, the 24-year old finalist from Glendale, Arizona, appeared fully nude and performed lap dances for the club's "mostly male" clientele.
"He had the look and the type that people like, so he made pretty good money here," Bryan told the news wire service.
According to Bryan, Hernandez worked at Dick's Cabaret for three years until the end of September 2007.
The alcohol-free club was named the "best gay male revue" in 2004 by the Phoenix New Times.
Hernandez, who originally auditioned for Idol in San Diego on July 30, 2007, remains in the top 16. He is still scheduled to perform with the other male contestants on Tuesday's show.
Last week, Hernandez performed The Temptations Papa Was a Rolling Stone and earned rave reviews from the 'Idol' judges.
In his "Idol Chatter" column on ChicagoPride.com, former American Idol finalist Jim Verraros said Hernandez' performance was "completely flawless" and that Hernandez would probably make the top 5.
Fox has yet to comment on the latest revelations and it is unclear how this will impact his appearance on "Idol."
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