Drew Bledsoe on NFL response to Michael Sam: It's going to be fine

Tue. March 25, 2014

Former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe thinks the NFL will "be fine" with an openly gay player.

In interviews last month with ESPN and The New York Times, Michael Sam, a 24-year-old solid NFL prospect, announced that he's gay. If drafted, Sam would become the NFL's first openly gay player.

Bledsoe, 42, was asked to weigh in on the issue during a HuffPost Live interview.

"I think it's going to be fine," Bledsoe said, adding that he could see himself being friends with Sam, if they were teammates.

"My take on it is this: We live in the greatest country ever in the history of the world and it's built on freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom to believe and act how you want. And anybody that doesn't respect people's individual freedoms, those are the people I don't have time for," Bledsoe said. "In talking to guys that are playing now and guys that I played with, it's a far bigger story in the media than it is with any of the guys that are playing."

(Watch the entire segment at HuffPost Live.)

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