Transgender woman dares Louisiana lawmaker to stone her to death

Mon. January 20, 2014

Shreveport, LA - A transgender woman fighting to keep an LGBT-inclusive anti-discrimination ordinance in Shreveport, Louisiana dared an anti-gay city councilor to stone her to death.

The city council approved the "Be Fair Shreveport" ordinance banning discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity last month, with Councilman Ron Webb the lone dissenter in the 6-1 vote.

According to KSLA News 12, Webb vociferously opposed the measure, saying last month "the Bible tells you homosexuality is an abomination." He added that he does not socialize with gay people.

Less than two weeks after passage, Webb introduced legislation aimed at repealing the ordinance.

Pamela Raintree, a transgender woman, was among the dozens of people who spoke against repeal of the non-discrimination ordinance on Tuesday.

During her testimony, Raintree offered Webb a stone to throw.

"Leviticus 20:13 states, 'If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, they shall surely put him to death,'" Raintree said. "I brought the first stone, Mr. Webb, in case that your Bible talk isn't just a smoke screen for personal prejudices."

Minutes later, Webb decided to withdraw his proposal.

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