BREAKING: New Mexico Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage

Thu. December 19, 2013

A New Mexico Supreme Court ruling handed down Thursday means the state can join 16 others plus the District of Columbia in allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry.

"The New Mexico Supreme Court did the right thing today by affirming fairness, freedom, and respect for same-sex couples who hope to share in the joy of marriage," said Thalia Zepatos, director of public engagement at Freedom to Marry."The clarity of today's ruling ensures that the freedom to marry, and the protections that come along with it, are guaranteed for loving and committed same-sex couples in the Land of Enchantment. As couples already married in New Mexico take a deep breath and realize their marriages are now fully respected, their family members can also rejoice that no one will be treated differently in New Mexico.And from this day forward, we know that every additional wedding will show that families are helped and no one is harmed when gay couples are free to marry. Officials should quickly implement this decision statewide and prevent any further delay or ambiguity in marriage law in the state."

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