Evansville opposes proposed Indiana gay marriage ban

Wed. December 11, 2013

Evansville, IN - The Evansville City Council on Monday voted unanimously to oppose a proposed gay marriage ban in Indiana.

More than a dozen people spoke before lawmakers approved a resolution rejecting the General Assembly's proposed state constitutional amendment.

"In this state, I may never be able to marry my partner," one woman told councilors. "It is my hope that in the future this issue will be a non-issue and everybody will have the right to be happy."

"Let the people decide," a man said. "If the people want the marriage to be between a man, woman, or otherwise, then they should decide, not judges.

Brenda Bergwitz, who spoke in favor of the measure, told ABC affiliate WTVW that she was "disappointed" with the outcome.

Republican lawmakers, including Governor Mike Pence, are pushing for House Joint Resolution 6 (HJR-6) to be on next year's ballot. The measure seeks to define marriage as a heterosexual union and prohibit civil unions as an alternative to marriage. It sailed through the Republican-controlled General Assembly in 2011. A needed second vote is expected to take place early next year.

A December, 2012 WISH-TV/Ball State University Hoosier Survey found only 38 percent of respondents support the amendment.

(Related: Indiana: Majority oppose proposed gay marriage ban.)

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