Newspaper Details More Gay Encounters For Larry Craig

Mon. December 3, 2007

Boise, ID - Eight gay men have told a Boise newspaper they had sex with Republican Senator Larry Craig or that he made a sexual advance or that he paid them unusual attention.

The Idaho Statesman reported Sunday that the men came to the paper as result of Craig's statements and his negative voting record on LGBT civil rights.

Craig, who represents Idaho, has been under pressure to resign since it emerged he pleaded guilty to cruising in a public toilet. He was arrested on June 11th by an undercover police officer in a Minneapolis airport toilet who said the lawmaker had engaged in conduct "often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct."

David Phillips, a 42-year-old information technology consultant in Washington, told the Statesman that that Craig picked him up at a gay club in 1986 and that they subsequently had sex.

Mike Jones, the onetime hustler prostitute who outed the Rev. Ted Haggard tells the paper that Craig also was a client and had paid him for sex in late 2004 or early 2005.

A third man told the Statesman that in 1981, when he was in a college GOP group he turned down an advance made by Craig at a Republican meeting in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

The fourth man told the paper that his "encounter" with Craig occurred at Idaho's Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area in the early 1980s.

The Statesman also reported that four other men who did not agree to be identified described for reporters sexual advances or encounters involving Craig.

Craig has had a long battle with the Statesman, his home state's largest newspaper, and has declined comment on the story. According to the Associated Press, the senator said in an e-mail statement that the newspaper's report was "completely false."

In the Senate Craig has consistently voted "anti-gay".

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