Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Constitution's genius shines in gay marriage decisions

Sun. September 8, 2013

Washington, D.C. - Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday told an audience in Philadelphia that the Constitution's genius shines in its gay marriage decisions.

Ginsburg, who recently officiated over the wedding of a gay couple, said that equality has always been central to the Constitution.

(Related: Justice Ginsburg to officiate wedding of gay couple.)

"So I see the genius of our Constitution, and of our society, is how much more embracive we have become than we were at the beginning," the AP quoted Ginsburg as saying during an appearance at the National Constitution Center.

In June, the high court released two decisions related gay nuptials. It stuck down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prohibited federal agencies from recognizing the legal marriages of gay and lesbian couples. Without DOMA, married gay couples can receive federal recognition and benefits regardless of whether they live in a state where such unions are allowed. The second ruling paved the way for the return of gay nuptials in California, making it the 13th state to legalized marriage for gay couples.

The DOMA decision has also provoked a flurry of activity in the states – from an attempt to ban such unions in Indiana to lawsuits filed in nearly a dozen states.

Ginsburg, 80, gave no hint that she was preparing to retire from the bench anytime soon.

(Related: Antonin Scalia criticizes DOMA ruling; describes gay couples as "new minority.")

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