Fri. August 30, 2013
Cincinnati, OH -
Cincinnati-based Procter & Gamble Company, also known as P&G, on Thursday endorsed passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which seeks to prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
"With Procter & Gamble's support, we see once again corporate America leading the charge when it comes to ending workplace discrimination," Matt McTighe, campaign manager for Americans for Workplace Opportunity, said in a statement. "Employees should be judged on their talents, and everyone should have the opportunity to provide for their families – one of the most fundamental American values. With P&G's support, the momentum for ENDA grows. We urge the Senate to pass this bill."
The consumer goods company joins the ranks of other multinational corporations in endorsing passage of ENDA, including Coca-Cola, Pfizer, Nike and General Mills.
ENDA cleared the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in July. Three Republicans – Senators Mark Kirk of Illinois, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Orrin Hatch of Utah – joined all Democrats in sending the bill to the full Senate. The Senate could take up the bill as early as September.
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