Indiana Same-Sex Marriage Ban Fails In House Committee

Sat. April 7, 2007

Indianapolis, IN - Same-sex marriage advocates in Indiana received a celebrated this week when a House committee voted down a proposed ban on gay unions.

Gay-rights activists told The Indianapolis Star that the committee's ruling Tuesday was a major victory for their side as it likely will eliminate the political motion from the agenda for this year's legislative session.

"This truly is significant," Indiana Equity lobbyist John Joanette said to the Star. "This was all about doing what's right for the state of Indiana and the people of Indiana."

"I have cried over this. I have prayed over this. I have sought advice from everyone I know to try and come to the right decision in my heart," Joanette said to the Star.

According to the Associated Press, House Minority Leader Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, said House Speaker Patrick Bauer orchestrated the proposal's demise in the House Rules Committee, which on Tuesday voted 5-5 in support of the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

Bosma said some of the votes were "flip-flops." Four of the five Democrats who voted against the measure Tuesday voted for it in 2005, when it passed the House and Senate. Bosma said Bauer, D-South Bend, broke his pledge to allow the issue to move forward so that voters could consider it on the 2008 general election ballot.

Bauer told the AP that he did let the process move forward. Had the resolution cleared the committee, he said, he would have allowed a full House vote — something he pledged during last year's campaign.

Written By Anthony Cuesta

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