Gerber/Hart announces new board members

Thu. July 18, 2013

Chicago, IL - After an extensive board development process involving the Executive Service Corps (ESC) and an independent Board Recruitment Task Force, Gerber/Hart Library and Archives announced the addition of eight new board members at its July 16 board meeting.

New members are: Carrie Barnett, Don Friedman, Jack Johnson, Charles Katzenmeyer, Amy McFadden, Norman Sanfield, Mary Ann Smith and Derek Truesdale.

Current Board Members are: Brad Tucker, Jody Bedore, John Orwat and Don Landers. 

Tucker will remain president of the organization. Bedore will remain vice president and interim/acting treasurer. John Orwat will continue as the organization's secretary.

Tucker said, "Rosemary Mulryan and The Board Recruitment Task Force did an extraordinary job. This is probably the most experienced, professional and qualified group of people ever to serve on Gerber/Hart's board at one time. Each new board member brings specific skills and experiences the Library needs to grow and flourish. It also represents the beginning of a whole new chapter in Gerber/Hart's history."

The Board meeting started off with a tour of the new Library by head Librarian Stef Potter, which gave board members an opportunity to understand the processes and functions of the Library and Archives as well as an overview of the resources needed to maintain and grow the collections. The board also discussed numerous items relating to the work remaining to open the library to the public, fundraising, programming and volunteers.

Tucker said that as the Board evaluates the needs and wants of the community and the organization there may be several other board positions added. Volunteers are also needed to serve on board level committees and as volunteers at the Library. To get more information, volunteer or donate to Gerber/Hart Library and Archives go to

From a news release

Editor's note: Gerber/Hart moved from 1127 W. Granville Ave. to 6500 N. Clark in April, 2012. The library has not yet opened to the public. 

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