String of robberies hit Lakeview

Thu. July 18, 2013

iPhones appear to be the target of a series of overnight robberies in Lakeview

Chicago, IL - A string of weekend robberies, several at gunpoint, in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood over the weekend has neighborhood residents on edge.

"Early morning robberies continue to be an issue around our neighborhood, especially around the commercial streets and in alleys," 44th Ward Ald. Tom Tunney commented on Facebook.

Erin Duffy, director of community outreach for Tunney's office, confirmed to Windy City Times that there were 6-7 robberies in the neighborhood between July 12-14.

In his Facebook post, Tunney indicated that police had arrested six in connection with the robberies and that two others were in custody for other robberies.

"I acknowledge that these are very serious incidents and I am working very closely with Commander Voulgaris, who is putting strategies in place to address these robberies," wrote Tunney. "These incidents primarily occur between 1 a.m. - 5 a.m. when patrons are leaving bars and victims have been targeted for their iPhone."

Tunney urged people to be proactive and call 9-1-1; however, neighborhood residents have complained there are times when the 19th District appears to have no police officers available to handle calls. The police force remains short of its allotted 12,500 sworn officers and loses dozens each month to retirement, according to ABC 7 Chicago.

The alderman concluded his Facebook post by encouraging residents to attend upcoming Community Action Policing meetings. Beats 1923, 1925 and 1935 will meet Aug. 7 at the 19th District Police Station (850 W. Addison) at 7 p.m. Beats 1924 and 1933 will meet Aug. 8 at Illinois Masonic Hospital (836 W. Wellington) at 7 p.m.

Related: Interview with Ald. Tom Tunney

"An Alderman is truly responsible for the safety of the neighborhood. There's no question. That's important. I take crime stats and any perception of crime stats very seriously," said Tunney in the June 2013 interview.  

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