Record high support for gay marriage

Wed. July 3, 2013

A new survey finds record high support for gay marriage in the United States.

According to a USA Today poll of 1,003 adults conducted last week after the Supreme Court released two decisions related to gay nuptials, 55 percent of respondents say such unions should be legal, while 40 percent remain opposed.

The pair of rulings paved the way for same-sex marriages to resume in California and stuck down a law that prohibited federal benefits for legally married gay couples.

"Neither one of those decisions is as a legal matter a huge gay rights victory," Tom Goldstein, publisher of SCOTUSblog, told USA Today. "But it's the moral message from the court that these unions are entitled to equal respect ... that is probably the lasting legacy of the decisions and is probably going to play a significant role in public opinion."

Majorities of Republicans (68%) and seniors 65 and older (51%) remain opposed.

However, only a plurality of people surveyed favor the high court's decision striking down part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Forty-eight percent said that they were in favor, while 43 said they were not.

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