Tucson unanimously approves civil unions for gay couples

Thu. June 20, 2013

Tucson, AZ - The Tucson City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved an ordinance recognizing civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, becoming the second Arizona city after Bisbee to do so.

"This was an important step for us to take and we're going to keep seeking steps to reinforce non-discrimination," Councilwoman Karin Uhlich told colleagues. "I think there's been widespread support throughout the community and people are really pleased to see it pass. I hope that the Supreme Court rules in the support of marriage equality and that the country starts to turn the corner on that form of discrimination."

Gay couples who enter a Tucson civil union will receive far fewer rights than married couples receive.However, a 2008 voter-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as a heterosexual union blocks the city from going further.The ordinance grants civil unioned couples the right to file contracts of inheritance rights, power of attorney and living wills.

The move comes a day after a newly formed group announced that it planned to put a question on the 2014 ballot asking voters to repeal Arizona's marriage ban and allow gay couples to marry.

In 2003, Tucson established a domestic partnership registry for gay couples.

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