Marriage equality bill sponsors issue apology to families

Mon. June 3, 2013

Dear Marriage Equality Advocates,

Like you, we are incredibly disappointed about what happened Friday in Springfield. But let's not forget something very important: Marriage equality is going to happen.

As a community, we must come together, assess our strategy, and redouble our efforts in the fight for fundamental fairness. This is not the time for us to splinter — for that is exactly what our opponents want.

The more united we are in the coming days and weeks, the sooner the bill will get passed — and the sooner our dream of full equality will become a reality.

We want to extend our sincerest apologies to the families who rushed to Springfield in the waning hours of session to support equality in anticipation of this historic vote. You have been and continue to be our inspiration and we pledge to fight together until we achieve full equality for all Illinois families.


Christian L. Mitchell

State Representative, 26th District

Maria Antonio Berrios

State Representative, 39th District

Greg Harris

State Representative, 13th District

Kelly M. Cassidy

State Representative, 14th District

Deborah Mell

State Representative, 40th District

Sam Yingling

State Representative, 62nd District

Lou Lang

State Representative, 16th District

Sara Feigenholtz

State Representative, 12th District

Naomi D. Jakobsson

State Representative, 103rd District

Ann M. Williams

State Representative, 11th District

Robert F. Martwick

State Representative, 19th District

Mike Smiddy

State Representative, 71st District

Robyn Gabel

State Representative, 18th District

Barbara Flynn Currie

State Representative, 25th District

Heather A. Steans

State Senator, 7th District

Laura Fine

State Representative, 17th District

Watch: Greg Harris and Deb Mell personal statements on SB10 failure

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