Minnesota House Dems predict gay marriage bill will clear Chamber on Thursday

Thu. May 9, 2013

Saint Paul, MN - At least three Democratic Minnesota House members have asserted that a proposed gay marriage bill will clear the House on Thursday.

Among those was House Speaker Paul Thissen, who told the AP that the measure is "in line with the tradition we've had in Minnesota about respecting people, making sure everybody is included in our community and the fullness of participation in that."

Rep. Karen Clark, the bill's champion in the House, gave reporters on Monday a blunt reply: "We will pass this bill. Yes, we will."

"Just stay tuned," she urged. "I think it will be a wonderful story to follow in the end. There'll be lots of good stories."

House Majority Leader Erin Murphy added: "We are confident that we have the votes to pass it."

Beyond the predictions of victory from House Democrats, who are likely to carry the bill over the finish line without Republican support, some Republicans on Monday sounded resigned to passage.

"Elections have consequences and voters decided to have the left wing of the DFL have all three branches," Rep. Michael Beard told the Star-Tribune. "Is it inevitable? I'd say probably. They can do pretty much anything they want to do."

The sudden optimism comes after the measure received final nods from a House committee on Monday and a Senate committee on Tuesday. Several undecided Democrats who represent districts where voters strongly backed November's unsuccessful effort to ban such unions have in recent days come out in support of the bill.

"My brother is gay," Rep. Shannon Savick told the AP. "I watched my brother being discriminated against when we were younger. I just don't see why he shouldn't be able to marry the person he loves."

If the House approves the marriage bill, the Senate could take up the issue as early as Saturday.

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