Legacy Project luncheon features Equality House ally

Wed. May 8, 2013

“THE LEGACY PROJECT: Making a Difference for LGBT Youth”, Friday, May 10

Chicago, IL - The Legacy Project of Chicago will host its annual Spring Gala Luncheon on Friday, May 10 at the Palmer House Hilton. The keynote speaker at this year's luncheon will be Equality House ally Aaron Jackson.

Jackson, 31, is co-founder of Planting Peace, a progressive nonprofit organization. He made international headlines for purchasing a home in Topeka, KS. - located directly across the street from virulently anti-gay Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church – and painting it the colors of the Gay Rainbow Flag.

"I've been trying to get my charity into supporting the equality initiative, but I didn't necessarily know what to do, or how to go about doing that," Jackson told Windy City Times. "I never thought it'd become that popular."

The Equality House is an effort to reduce teen suicides through raising awareness and bullying prevention.

The luncheon's theme - "THE LEGACY PROJECT: Making a Difference for LGBT Youth" - will celebrate both the October 2012 Dedication of Phase I of the Legacy Walk along North Halsted Street in Lakeview and the April 2013 launch of the Legacy Project Education Initiative (LPEI).

LPEI, which is co-sponsored by Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, is part of a comprehensive effort to use LGBT contributions to history as a tool to address LGBT youth self-esteem issues by confronting the ignorance from which anti-gay bullying springs.

Sean Lewis of WGN-TV is hosting the May 10 luncheon. The event will take place in the Empire Room of the Palmer House Hilton, 17 E. Monroe. The luncheon will run from Noon to 1:30 p.m. A VIP Reception with guest speakers will precede the main program. Tickets are $125/VIP $225 and available online:

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