Delaware House panel approves gay marriage bill; House votes Thursday

Thu. April 18, 2013

Dover, DE - A Delaware House panel on Wednesday approved a bill which seeks to legalize gay marriage in the First State.

The House Administration Committee approved the measure with a 4-1 vote and sent it to the full House for further consideration after holding a 90-minute hearing in which speakers were each given 2 minutes to testify.

Among those testifying was Richard Smith, president of the Delaware chapter of the NAACP.

"We believe marriage equality is a civil right," Smith told lawmakers.

Jared and Jordan spoke on behalf of their 2-mom family.

"No child should have to fight for their hardworking, dedicated parents to have the same rights as other parents," Jordan said.

Opponents said they oppose the measure because it would force religious groups to marry gay couples.

House Democrats countered the claim in a tweet: "HB75 states no clergy of any denomination required to perform any marriage, including same-sex, that doesn't conform w/religious beliefs."

The full House is expected to debate the issue on Thursday.

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