LGBT videos of the week from Gwist, April 8 - 14, 2013

Mon. April 15, 2013

Gwist: TV with a twist

Gwist is a new YouTube partner channel developed by Matt Farber and Brian Tolleson, the original creative team behind Logo. The new channel will create an online destination for videos of interest to the LGBT community.

Each week and the Network presents four of the best videos featured on Gwist during the past week.

Check out these videos on

Jeremy Irons Marries His Son - The Randy Rainbow Show

Randy Rainbow is finally getting married! And the lucky man is ... his father? It's not incest if they're both men, right?

The Transgender Bathroom Debate - Gwissues

Gwissues talks with Arizona Rep. John Kavanaugh, Exec. Dir. of Transgender Law Center Masen Davis, and Dir. of Transgender Foundation of America Christan Williams about Arizona's recent move to ban transgender people from public bathrooms.

NEW SHOW! Dykeotomy!

Liz and Emily--two very different kinds of lesbians--answer all the questions about lesbians you never knew you wanted to ask! The show has SIX episodes up already, so why not start at the beginning with introductions?

Premature Ejaculation - Steam Room Stories

The Steam Room Boys offer sage advice on combating coming too quickly. It's not a bad thing to be a little early.

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