Bishop Gene Robinson predicts 6-3 Supreme Court ruling striking down DOMA

Tue. March 26, 2013

Bishop Gene Robinson believes the Supreme Court will strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) but isn't so certain about Proposition 8.

Robinson, the first openly gay bishop of the Episcopal Church, retired from his post on January 5. He now works on issues of faith and gay rights at the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank in Washington D.C. In his latest book, God Believes In Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage, Robinson dismantles the religious objections to marriage equality.

During an appearance on cabler Current's Full Court Press, Robinson told host Bill Press that he thought the case against DOMA "is extraordinary."

"I think the case against DOMA is extraordinary," Robinson said. "And I cannot imagine the court not declaring it unconstitutional. In fact, I'm so hopeful I think we might even get a 6-3 vote out of this."

"Because in one sense you could make the conservative case that the federal government was messing in states' business in terms of marriage. And even from a conservative viewpoint, you could possibly vote against it."

"They will affirm Prop 8's unconstitutionality for California but they will be doing it as a way of signaling to the country that marriage equality for all is on its way."

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