First Queer Personal Finance Blog Launched by Lesbian Money Experts

Wed. May 3, 2006

Newport Beach, CA - Queercents, a personal finance blog serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, has announced the launch of its blog at With the debut of Queercents, the LGBT community (estimated at 6 million in the US) will have its first major money blog, and new ground will be broken by aggregating financial tips from the distinct writings of three established money bloggers: Nina Smith, Caitlin Dean and Dawn Cadwell.

The three female bloggers currently have a combined readership of approximately 25,000 people per month. With the launch of Queercents, the group expects unique visits to quadruple in the first six months by serving up fresh daily content from a variety of voices written for women as well as men. For those who appreciate straightforward advice from such experts as Suze Orman, readers will love the life-style oriented money tips posted on Queercents.

"The LGBT community has different needs and experiences than the mainstream population. Queercents addresses these money issues in a world where gays and lesbians lack the same economic advantages of their straight counterparts," said Thomas Soule, Editor of the Blade.

As self-described software-geeks, all three adopted an open-source approach to personal finance by blogging about their day-to-day relationship with money. Queercents, as a joint initiative, has organically evolved by providing daily personal finance content relevant to the LGBT community.

* Dawn Cadwell established herself with the first frugal living blog, putting in action and online what she has gathered and learned. Dawn has cultivated her interest in money ever since learning to count with it as a child. Simple living has been her mantra and she offers tips on how to nickel and dime your way to financial security.

* Caitlin Dean started blogging after a six-figure salary still resulted in five-figure debt. After a year of blogging about personal finance she is debt-free, has an emergency fund, and is on the road to early retirement. She passionately believes that everyone is capable of achieving their financial goals with a little creativity and a sense of self-empowerment.

* Nina Smith shares her views on how to achieve financial independence through saving and investing. Nina, a seasoned real estate investor, has been featured on Logo from MTV Networks and is a contributing personal finance writer for the Blade, a regional LGBT magazine.

Established in 2006, Queercents originated the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender personal finance blog concept. The contributors reside in Boston, Denver, and Newport Beach with posts that span three time zones and reflect the impact of their local economy. Queercents. Their motto is: "we're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping without coupons."

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