DNC Announces New Gay & Lesbian Leadership Council Director

Thu. May 4, 2006

Washington, D.C. - The Democratic National Committee has announced that Brian Bond will join the DNC as the new Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Council (GLLC). Bond brings to the DNC a proven record of success in reaching out to and organizing America's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and a commitment to confronting the critical issues facing LGBT families.

"We are pleased that Brian has agreed to join our team here at the DNC," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean. "Brian's proven and effective leadership will be crucial to our effort to confront the issues facing the Party and the LGBT community. The Democratic Party has a long history of standing against discrimination and standing up for equal rights for every American. Unfortunately, the Republicans are again taking a page from the Karl Rove playbook and using issues to scapegoat the LGBT community with the divisive Federal Marriage Amendment and hate-filled ballot initiatives aimed at dividing and distracting America from critical issues facing our country. Brian will help lead our fight to end the Republican politics of fear and division."

In his role as Executive Director of the GLLC, Bond will coordinate political strategy related to LGBT issues, strengthen efforts to organize in the community, and lead the DNC's efforts to consult with strong Democratic-allied groups like the National Stonewall Democrats and reach out to groups like the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

"I look forward to returning to the Democratic National Committee at this time of such great challenge and opportunity for our community," said Bond. "Chairman Dean continues to listen to the needs of the LGBT community and stands as a leader in our fight for equality. I am excited to help the Chairman and the Party move forward as we head into the elections this fall and beyond so we can take back Congress and win the White House."

A political veteran with more than 20 years of experience in national politics as well as state and local campaigns, Bond served as Executive Director of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund from 1997 to 2003. Prior to that, Bond served as DNC director of LGBT outreach, where he directed the DNC's first ever financial contributions to targeted LGBT clubs, organized the most extensive DNC effort for visibility at gay pride events around the country, and succeeded in significantly increasing the number of LGBT delegates to the 1996 Democratic National Convention.

"Brian is a proven leader in the fight to ensure equal rights for America's LGBT community," said Dean. "His leadership and commitment will greatly enhance our Party's efforts to stand with our friends and neighbors in the LGBT community as we fight to oppose discrimination in all its forms and promote equality under the law."

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