Illinois gay marriage bill to be heard in Senate committee Tuesday

Mon. February 4, 2013

Senate floor vote expected on Valentine's Day

Springfield, IL - A bill to legalize gay marriage in Illinois will come up in the Illinois State Senate Executive Committee meeting Tuesday and could see a floor vote on Valentine's Day.

"I'd like to pass it out of committee next week and pass it on Valentine's Day," Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) said last week. Cullerton said that he believes the legislation has the necessary 30 votes to pass and move to the House.

State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) previously said she expected to move the bill shortly after lawmakers returned to Springfield on Feb. 5.

The Civil Rights Agenda executive director Anthony Martinez confirmed to that SB10 will be called before a Senate Executive Committee Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m.

"We feel very confident it will move very quickly through the Senate," said Martinez.

Supporters attempted to approve a marriage bill last month during the General Assembly's lame-duck session.

Nine states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriage. If Illinois approves gay marriage nearly twenty percent of the U.S. population will live in states recognizing marriage equality, according to the Human Rights Campaign.

Related coverage:

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton: Timing is right for gay marriage

Illinois gay marriage push expected soon after February return

Heather Steans says prospect of passing gay marriage in Illinois is 'great'

Gov. Quinn on Illinois marriage equality: 'It's going to happen'

Rahm Emanuel signs petition for freedom to marry in Illinois

Illinois United Methodist bishop states support for same-sex marriage

Illinois business leaders come out in support of marriage equality

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