Impotent Illinois Republicans go after their party chair over gay marriage

Thu. January 24, 2013

Chicago, IL - Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh, who was soundly defeated by Democrat Tammy Duckworth in last November's elections, has, along with the unelectable and ultra-conservative Jim Oberweis (R-Aurora), decided to challenge the tenure of Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady who supports gay marriage.

Today, Walsh called for Brady to step aside, saying, "The chairman of the party must publicly support the platform. For the good of the party, Brady should step down."

Brady, elected chairman for the Illinois Republican Party in 2009, earlier this month encouraged Republican members of the Illinois General Assembly to support proposed same-sex marriage legislation. Walsh and Oberweis, along with others, now are seeking to unseat Brady.

Oberweis, who owns North Aurora's Oberweis Dairy, lost races for U.S. Senate, governor and Congress. He has yet to run for dog catcher. According to reports, Oberweis is trying to convene a special meeting of the Illinois Republican Party Central Committee to dump Chairman Pat Brady, who recently expressed his support for same-sex marriage.

U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Peoria) and a possible gubernatorial candidate in 2014, today chastised previous Republican conservative candidates of the past saying they have "proven nothing more than they can lose an election."

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