Obama's inaugural prayer service includes head of MCC

Mon. January 21, 2013

Washington, D.C. - White House staff announced that the Interfaith Prayer Service at the National Cathedral, to be held Tuesday morning, January 22, will include the Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, moderator and international leader of the Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), a denomination founded 45 years ago as a church open to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Dr. Wilson was installed at the National Cathedral as MCC's global Moderator in 2005 during an MCC service hosted by the Cathedral. This month, the National Cathedral staff announced they will begin performing marriages for same-gender couples. Dr. Wilson recently celebrated her 35th anniversary with her wife.

Dr. Wilson said, "It is profoundly meaningful to read the Bible during President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's second inaugural interfaith service. As I read, I will remember the hands laid on me seven years ago in this very cathedral by faith leaders who called me to serve all of God's beautifully diverse children, including LGBT people. President Obama prayerfully and respectfully stood up for LGBT equality during his campaign, and I am proud to stand with him."

The prayer services dates back to President George Washington. Today, participation by religious leaders from many traditions mark this service.

In a December 18th press release, the Very Rev. Gary Hall, dean of the Cathedral, said, "The Inaugural Prayer Service is an historic observance that Washington National Cathedral is honored to host once again for President Barack Obama. The Cathedral has come to be known as a spiritual home for the nation, and as part of living into that calling, it is our prayer that the service will embody the hopes and vision of our nation, and that God's purpose might shine forth with new clarity in our lives."

Attendance at the National Prayer Service is by invitation only, and tickets are required. The service will be webcast live at . For the latest updates on the 2013 Presidential Inauguration, please visit

From news release

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