Chicago Goes Smoke-Free Today

Mon. January 16, 2006

Chicago's new anti-smoking ordinance takes effect Monday, January 16, 2006

Chicago, IL - Beginning today smokers will need to think twice before lighting up in Chicago.

The city's new smoking ban began at Midnight and covers most public places. The ban prohibits smoking at restaurants without bars, common areas in residential buildings, sports arenas, convention centers, stores and malls.

The ordinance also covers train platforms and outdoors within 15 fee of any public building entrance.

A two-year grace period given was given to bars. Owners have until June 2008 to comply. Chicago's City Council approved the measure 45-1 in December after months of debate.

There has also been much public debate about the ordinance in Chicago and throughout the Lakeview neighborhood. Two GLBT bars are already smoke-free, Minibar, 3341 N. Halsted, and Marty's, 1511 W. Balmoral.

Chicago joins New York, Boston, Los Angeles and many other cities in going smoke-free.

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