Wed. September 12, 2012
An email ad calls a New York senator seeking re-election a "political whore" for his crucial vote supporting marriage equality.
State Sen. Mark Grisanti, a Republican from the Buffalo area, was a key vote in the passage of New York's marriage equality bill last year. He changed his vote to support the bill, saying, in an emotional floor speech, "I cannot legally come up with an argument against same-sex marriage. Who am I to say that someone does not have the same rights that I have with my wife who I love, or [to] have the 1300-plus rights that I share with her?"
Numerous right-wing groups have vowed to oust Republicans who supported the legislation. Now, as Grisanti campaigns for re-election, an ad published through emails attacks the lawmaker's position on marriage.
The black-and-white ad, first reported on by Politico, shows two men, one of them on his knees kissing the other just above the waist. The ad asks, "How far will a politician go to get in your pant$? For his gay marriage vote, Mark Grisanti received over $750,000. Sometimes they're political whore$."
Another image in the ad shows two men engaging in sexual activity.
Several news sites have reported that the images come from the gay porn studio Corbin Fisher.
The disclaimer says the ad was paid for by the Committee to Save the Erie County Republican Party, which doesn't appear to exist as a registered entity.
Grisanti is in a tough primary with Kevin Stocker that will be decided on Thursday.
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