Red Bull Flugtag event cancelled, Roscoe's crew disappointed

Sat. September 8, 2012

Chicago, IL - The Red Bull Flugtag event scheduled for this morning has been cancelled because of "unsafe marine conditions," according to event organizers.

The event at North Avenue Beach was to begin at 11 a.m. with the first flight at 1 p.m., but high waves led to the cancellation.

Shawn Hazen told that the cancellation was "disappointing and devastating" to the 'Hell on Heels' Flugtag team from Roscoe's.

The team, composed of Hazen, Brenden Chrisman, David Sikora, Frida Lay, Mario Elias and Eddie Gonzalez, chronicled the two-month design and construction of their flying machine - named Phoebe - with photos and videos on Facebook.

"After months of hard work we are forced to pack it in and go home with our Phoebe and our hopes to win," said Frida Lay this morning.

The Flugtag event draws thousands of spectators annually to North Avenue Beach as teams compete with creatively designed ‘aircraft' taking off from a 30-foot high flight deck and landing in Lake Michigan.

Hazen said the Roscoe's craft is being put directly into storage for the next Flugtag event.

The team will celebrate their achievements and drown their sorrows this afternoon at Roscoe's, 3356 N Halsted.

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