Obama's speech breaks Twitter record

Fri. September 7, 2012

Stars share their opinion of Obama's speech on Twitter

President Barack Obama's (@BarackObama) acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention (#DNC) set a new Twitter record for political moments by driving 52,757 tweets per minute during the 38-minute speech Thursday night.

"I'm no longer just the candidate, I'm the President" generated the second biggest spike with 43,646 tweets per minute. "I will never turn medicare into a voucher" received 39,002 per minute.

According to Twitter's official blog, the convention generated more than 9.5 million tweets - that's more than double the Republican National Convention, which reached 14,300 tweets per minute.

Stars also took to Twitter to share their opinion of Obama's speech:

"Thank you Mr. President. I'll never forget that speech."

Adam Levine @adamlevine

"Wait. If President Obama is at #DNC2012, that means... this is just an empty chair in my living room! CLINT EASTWOOD LIED TO ME."

Wil Wheaton @wilw

"that is a speech to be remembered."

Lady Gaga @ladygaga

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