Tue. August 21, 2012
Language criticizing President Barack Obama's decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) – the 1996 law which bars federal agencies from recognizing the legal marriages of gay and lesbian couples – in court was approved Monday by a subcommittee of the Republican National Committee's (RNC) platform-drafting committee.
According to a report co-written by BuzzFeed's Zeke Miller and Chris Geidner, the draft document also supports a federal "constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman" and "campaigns underway in several other states to" amend their constitutions to define marriage as a heterosexual union.
The full committee is set to vote on the document Tuesday. Republicans will ratify the platform at next week's convention in Tampa, Florida.
"We oppose the Administration's open defiance of this principle [of separation of powers] – in ... allowing a same-sex marriage at a military base, and in refusing to defend DOMA in the courts," the draft states.
The marriage plank was written by Tony Perkins, president of the Christian conservative Family Research Council (FRC).
Evan Wolfson, founder and president of Freedom to Marry, described the move as "sad" and hypocritical in a statement.
"With a growing majority of Americans, a substantial majority of independents, and a super-majority of young people across the spectrum supporting the freedom to marry for all committed couples, it's sad to see the Republican Party so out of touch. A party that proclaims its belief in freedom, limited government, and personal responsibility should not be doubling down against couples seeking to share in the commitment of marriage and the birthright of liberty and justice for all."
Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation's largest gay rights group, added that the party "is poised to send a devastating message to LGBT youth – that they and the families they aspire to one day build are not worthy of the same protections as everyone else."
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