Sat. August 11, 2012
Norfolk, VA -
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his vice presidential running mate at an event at the retired battleship USS Wisconsin.
Ryan, 42, is considered a "strong" and "bold" choice. Gay Republican groups were quick to respond to Romney's choice for V.P.
"The selection of Paul Ryan is a bold and inspired pick. Paul Ryan has been the architect of policies that would benefit all Americans, especially gay Americans," Jimmy LaSalvia, GOProud Executive Director announced in a statement that called Ryan "a bold and inspired pick."
LaSalvia continued, "Paul Ryan opposes discrimination against gay Americans – voting for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act – and has urged both parties to avoid the culture wars over issues like gay marriage."
The Log Cabin Republicans also praised Congressman Ryan's 2007 vote in favor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).
"Congressman Paul Ryan is a strong choice for vice president, and his addition to the GOP ticket will help Republican candidates up and down the ballot," R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director, said in a statement. "As chairman of the House Budget Committee and author of the Republican "path to prosperity" that provided the blueprint for serious spending cuts in this Congress, nobody is more qualified to articulate a conservative economic vision to restore the American economy and stimulate job creation."
The Log Cabin Republicans have not completed their endorsement process, but the group calls Romney's selection of Ryan "one that all Republicans can be excited about."
The Wisconsin congressman, a favorite of the conservative Tea Party, voted against the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Ryan also voted several times to included an amendment banning same-sex marriage in the U.S. Constitution.
In May, President Barack Obama announced his support for marriage equality. Obama supports ENDA and the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which bans same-sex unions. The President also pushed through the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
The Democratic National Committee is about to vote to include repeal of DOMA and support for ENDA in its platform.
The 2012 Presidential Race remains close with Romney has falling slightly behind Obama in recent polls. The campaign is expected to remain focused on the weak U.S. economy.
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